Como Obi-Wan fatiou Anakin?
Fonte: www.wizards.com
Q: At the end of the duel on Mustafar, Anakin (now Darth Vader) loses three limbs at once, seemingly from a single sweep of Obi-Wan's lightsaber. Is there a new rule that can cover this?
A: Actually, the existing rules can explain this. Obi-Wan gets on higher ground (+1 attack bonus) and readies an action to attack if Anakin tries to reach him -- and, as a free action, he warns him not to try it. Anakin decides he can do it anyway, so he makes a combination Force jump (Hero's Guide page 37, Jedi Counseling 47) with a Tumble check (DC 25) to move through Obi-Wan's square so that he could get the higher ground for himself. Given that he moves out of two threatened squares -- once for leaving the square adjacent to Obi-Wan, and once for leaving Obi-Wan's square -- Anakin will provoke two attacks of opportunity if he fails the Tumble check. Thus, it unfolds like this:
Anakin makes his Jump check and succeeds.
Anakin enters a square adjacent to Obi-Wan, triggering his readied action.
Obi-Wan rolls a critical hit, lopping off one limb.
Anakin's jump continues, moving into another square and provoking an attack of opportunity.
Obi-Wan hits, eliminating the rest of Anakin's vitality and doing wound damage, and removing another limb.
Anakin's jump continues again, moving out of Obi-Wan's square and provoking a final attack of opportunity.
Obi-Wan hits one last time, all wound damage, removing the last limb.
Rules for removing limbs can be found in the Galactic Campaign Guide (page 39) and Hero's Guide (page 126). It would be possible -- but highly unlikely -- for Anakin to survive that much wound damage, but it is within the realm of possibility because Obi-Wan's damage rolls may have been low.
Optional Rule (for use with either system): You can't lose more than half your maximum wound points when you have a limb removed. You may be mortally wounded, but it won't kill you immediately. With this rule in place, Anakin would have a very good chance to survive being so seriously maimed. Each hit would only remove half his maximum wound points, so he would be dying (–1 to –9 points) but not yet dead (–10 points).